Local Shopping | 51ÖØ¿ÚÁÔÆæ


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Enhancing the Local
Shopping Experience

51ÖØ¿ÚÁÔÆæ brings an omnichannel solution to create a new and exciting reality for your mall shoppers.

Shop Local. Shop Better.

Connecting directly to mall shoppers has never been easier. 51ÖØ¿ÚÁÔÆæ is the most accurate product discovery provider in the industry , and we'll transform your mall into a mini-Amazon, enabling all products from all mall retailers to be searchable and personalized.

Reduce Anchor Dependance

Mall goers typically visit only a few anchor stores. How about showing them 12+ other inline options?

Physical Affiliate Loyalty

Create retention and incremental traffic by incentivizing shoppers through physical affiliate deals.

Customer Data & Insight

Get to know your mall shoppers on a 1:1 basis from your most affluent customer to the most savvy.

Personalization & Promotion

Provide the best experience for your shoppers, including extra perks and complimentary services.

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Driving Traffic to Inline Stores

With proven results - from 22% conversion after search to 60k+ retailer catalogs , we aim to transform the mall shopping experience, making it the first choice for shoppers for apparel, beauty, and high value categories.